Friday, May 10, 2013

Rosh Chodesh at the Kotel

This morning we went to the Kotel to pray with Women of the Wall for Rosh Chodesh Sivan (festival celebrating the new month). While we had a large group present, there were thousands of Ultra-Orthodox men and women who had been bused in to protest a recent ruling by the Jerusalem Court allowing women to pray as they wish at the Kotel. It was a moving, tense, and at times frightening scene. Below are a few of our reflections from the day after we both took some time to process. But, before that: we want to be sure to wish you all a Shabbat Shalom and a Chodesh Tov (good month).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Traveling Through Israel (and Beyond!)

Stealing a kiss at the Hagai Sophia!
Chag pesach sameach l'kulam!
Happy Passover to everyone!

An amazing thing happens in Israel during Passover. Everyone takes off for the holiday and travels throughout the country. The roads, hotels, trails, national parks, and camp grounds are all packed with families spending quality time enjoying the country and each other. We had the great opportunity of getting to participate in the fun and went up North to the Kinneret with Gavi's Israeli family. We stayed at a youth hostel, ate delicious kosher for Passover buffet style meals, and went on hikes through some absolutely beautiful parts of the country.

And then we got home and realized that it was the first time since January that we had a significant amount of free time! And after receiving a number of requests, petitions, and inquiries about our next blog post, we figured this would be a good time to give the people what they want.

The last few months have brought an incredible amount of important, powerful, and fun Israeli experiences. We will do our best to catch you up on our travels and learning since we last updated.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Our Last Two Months: From Desert to Snow Storm

Hello from a snowy, wet, and cold Jerusalem, Fenster Followers!

Sorry it has been so long since we've written but life has been going full speed the past few months. Days and weeks took a turn from being non-stop adventures, to non-stop life! Filled with classes and trips across the country, and time with friends and even a little netflix.

Hiking in the Arava
We've been happily enjoying what seems to be what is semi-normal married life. Since we last posted:
-The war ended (funny thing about Israel, no one called it a "war" until after it was over).
-We visited the Arava - TWICE and it is my new favorite place in the world.
In the Arava